f-failed." From outside, the dread Saber's face had resembled a teen who has just broke up with someone. One thing she knew for sure, Sakura will have every right to be mad at her, and I mean every right. Despite knowing that killing Caster was the only easy part of the phase to execute now that they had found her, Saber blew literally the only chance in destroying her.

The finding part was not easy, but the fighting part was significantly easier. It was never easy to come up with a plan and find a lead when it comes to her and if even if they did, it would have taken weeks. Saber had no options available of saving Shirou. Leaving those thoughts behind, she just held on to her noble phantasm, covered her obvious wounds with her arms, and walked out of the scene, knowing that she had lost terribly. But so many things happened in such a short period of time, Caster's attacks and Shirou's actions were just too blazingly quick that it was difficult for Saber to even administer and take hold of herself. Tears were on the verge of falling from her eyes and the urge to scream till it makes everyone aware of her self-devouring heart was imminent. I-." Saber was utterly speechless, she looked around only to find herself being the only one in the scene. Ten seconds later, Saber's master Emiya Shirou and Caster disappeared into thin air and until then, were they nowhere to be seen. Ru-" But literally just moments before Emiya could finish his last words, Caster teleported to him and gave a gentle touch to his back, just one touch, and he was gone. He stretched his hand out to her, wanting to hold her hand for the last time and barely, he stammered a handful of words. Despite that, he used every ounce of strength left in himself and crawled towards Saber, also noticing her petrified face to the complete horror scene she was currently witnessing right now.

The sounds of him crying and yelling in undeniably the most agonizing pain he has ever experienced was just, unbearable to the ears. w-why." Saber stuttered with absolute terror as she stared at her master lying down on his bleeding stomach, fatally wounded and suppressed while coughing blood out, profusely and violently, all at the same time. Right before the burst of powerful magic got a chance to kill Saber, he jumped in front of her and took the hit straight into his body, temporarily disabling himself to gradually fall into deep unconsciousness by Caster's magic and also leaving Saber to suffer from just minor bruises. She already caught a glance of Shirou flying into the corner of her eye. "Shirou! DON'T!" Saber screamed in denial to his reckless move, but it was to no avail. She specifically told him not to do such a reckless move, but after Shirou saw how Caster was about to finish her off, his sudden determination to protect her was the first thing that came to mind. This was when Shirou took a deathly hit from a very critical and dangerous enemy to have encountered, just to keep Saber alive. But after a few minutes, she realized the huge strength difference between her and Caster and before she knew it, she was in the perfect position to be killed. At the start, she didn't allow Shirou to enter the fight, Saber thought that she could handle it by herself. Saber was in a position of near-death and Caster's bursts of magic were about to inflict massive damage on her. Because the worst thing of all is that Shirou, the only person Saber swore to protect, took an extremely fatal and stunning blow by Caster.

What would happen to Saber, if Sakura finds about her Senpai's abduction and her failure in protecting Shirou? However, her anxious, delicate thinking of what could go wrong when she gets to Shirou's place were always being interrupted by the unavoidable, aching pain revolving around her body, it was really bruised and there were many noticeable cuts. This was such a strong heart-destroying emotion that it kept Saber's mouth shut to even speak, but to rather think, what would happen if Sakura hears about this. Saber had just dealt with a tough fight, a simple one and yet, she failed. It wasn't a pleasant sight to see her eyes filled with rage and misery just because of the only thing she never thought of failing. At this very moment, she was limping and groaning silently in pain with every step she took. As heavenly as it sounds, none of those words, quiet and peaceful ended up in Saber's head. Perfect for someone to stay and live in, just like Emiya Shirou's residence. This certain place was pretty much isolated from the main city, but it was nonetheless quiet and peaceful. This story is dedicated to - It was getting dark at night, the sun was about to set and the sky lit a beautiful, bright purple-reddish colour. The story is STRICTLY for fictional purposes and it is NOT real. The characters belong to the anime Fate/Stay Night and do not belong to me.